
1. Illegal appointment in Udangudi RC School:- One of the schools run by this Tuticorin Roman Catholic Management is St. Antony’s R.C. Middle School, Udangudi. Here there were elegible hands to hold HM post. But this management brought Sr. Kuzhandai Theresammal from other management in other district (From Kanyakumari District to Tuticorin District). The manager of this management issued appointment order to this sister on transfer. It is totally not logic and it is highly illegal. But the Additional Assistant Elementary Education Officer of Udangudi approved it without raising any question. When asked about the power of the AAEEO, he simpy says that he is empowered to approve a person appointed by the management even if the candidate is chosen from other management in other district. Please click Appointment on transfer to see the appointment order and click AEO Udangudi to read the repy of AAEEO, Udangudi. 

2. The History of 21 transfers in Satankulam Parish:- In Satankulam Parish 21 transfers were effected on 02.07.2003 by Fr. Leon by orders dated 25.06.2003.  Immediately the transfer power was questioned by some of the teachers. Some teachers got stay order from the High Court of Madras. Later many transfers were cancelled. Consequently the teachers were asked to join the same school where they had moved from. Our association suggested that the management could pay the salary from their own funds and make rectifications. But the mangement got approval from the department by making false records. For example Mrs. Pushpam who is now HM in Sacred Heart RC Primary School, Satankulam, worked in Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School, Satankulam, for 62 days from 02.07.2003 to 01.09.2003. Her transfer order dated 25.06.2007 was cancelled by the Manager by order No. VSPT/AO/120/2003 dated 28.08.2003. Her service was regularised by the education department on the basis of the false records presented by the management. In the false records it has been mentioned that she was on leave for 62 days during which period she was actually working. Thus this management converted the duty period into leave period and it was approved by the department though it was aware of the facts. The management claimed salary for 62 days for her in Sacred Heart RC Primary School where she did not work. She worked during these 62 days in other school and her transfer was also cancelled as mentione above. Still the management does not take any steps to regularise the services of the teachers who got direction from the Honourable Court. Though the education department was aware that the entries were wrong, it approved.  Also, in spite of several representations and court orders, the management makes illegal deductions from the salary of teachers regularly. Further the mangement tells that they are corporate body without any document. When asked all the details under right to information act, the DEEO of Tuticorin gave the following reply. Please click to read the reply which is available in 2 pages. Letter from DEEO, Tuticorin – Page 1  Letter from DEEO, Tuticorin – Page 2

3. The Story of Corporate Body:- It will be interesting to read the following letters from which any one can understand that the management of RC Schools in Tuticorin is not a corporate body. But it is strange that the department considers this mangement as corporate body though it cannot send a copy of any order connected to this issue. To read the letters we have received from the officers please click

Letter from CEO, Tirunelveli 

Letter from CEO, Tirunelveli 001

4. The Story of stealing in Pothakalanvilai School:- In St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School,Pothakalanvilai, Tuticorin District, there was a big scandal in the disbursement of salary to the teachers in the of December 1993. The salary of teachers was stolen and the same was brought to the notice of the manager and the department. Still the problem was not solved. But the teacher who found out the theft was dismissed by the management in the name of other fabricted charges. Still now the mangement does not obey the orders of the department. Though an order was received from the Commissioner of Right to Information Act, the management does not care about the theft. The teacher is suffering but the person who stole the money and the management are scot-free. To see the latest letter of the CEO, Tuticorin to the Superintendent of R.C. Schools please click here

The story of stealing in Pothakalanvilai School

Director of School Education

Director of School Education 1 

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