Tuticorin Diocesan Association is not a corporate body

News:- The RC Schools Mangement of Tuticorin has been cheating the teacher community with the help of Education Department for many years saying that they are corporate body. Our association questioned their rights to transfer the teachers and the status of corporate body. We wrote many letters to the department and government to take action against the management for the illegalities such as transfer of teachers while they have no power to transfer, treating themselves as corporate body without any basic orders from the Honourable Court or Government or Department. But the department was supporting the management blindly as though they get their salary from the management. A few teachers went to the court against the transfers effected by the illegal management and got stay orders.  Many teachers were punished directly or indirectly for going to the court. We did not stop taking action against the management for its illegalities. We asked the department to show the document for the status of corporate body of the said management. But the management secretly joined hands with the department and consequently the department was giving false replies and information to us and they went to the extent of sending false documents in support of the management. The department also approved all the illegal transfers in spite of our requests not to approve. Finally after a long struggle and enquiry in the office of the Right to Information Act office in Chennai, the Director of School Education (Elementary) has admitted that this Roman Catholic Schools Management of Tuticorin is not a corporate body and he says that the management has no power to transfer as per the court order. Even in this order the Director wants to support the management. You can read the document here. One thing is clear that there is a group of people working against the interest of teachers. We are very sorry to say that the Manager of RC Schools, Superintendent of RC Schools, Fr. Venice Kumar, Fr. Panneer Selvam, Expert Xavier Leonedas (Teacher Community knows how genuine and clean handed he is) are some of the people who want to suppress the teacher community. Director of Elementary Eduation, Chennai, in his letter Na.Ka.No. 7503/H3/08 dated 18.08.2008 clearly states that the RC Schools Management of Tuticorin is not a corporate body and further he states that there is no document or government orders in support of the said status. He states that there are many cases against the transfers effected by the management illegally. The Director has gone to the extent of stating that the management has not obtained any declaration from the Governement for the status of corporate body. To read these points please Click the folloing links.

Director’s Letter Page no. 1

Director’s Letter Page No. 2

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